Features You Can Use

As summer fast approaches, let SmartPublisher work for you by taking advantage of these great features.

Sales Goals

SmartPublisher’s Goals feature provides a powerful tool for sales managers and salespeople to track progress in reaching a set dollar amount for a time period. A sales rep’s current goals are viewed and graphed on the dashboard of the main menu. Goal management is done using the Goals portal on the sales manager’s main menu, where the goals are created, edited and graphed. Additionally, assigning a product to a rate is a great way to track revenue and sales goals based on different types of sales activity. Products are associated with rates, and are available to assist with creating and managing sales goals, as well as searching for insertions and sales.

Interactive Dashboards

Sales Rep and Sales Manager dashboards are more useful and interactive than ever. On the Sales Rep dashboard, tasks are broken down by to-do totals, which click through to lists of tasks. Accounts are broken down based on activity to more easily gauge expiring or inactive accounts in need of attention. A sales comparison portal shows totals by date sold or issue compared to the last period or last year. The Sales Manager dashboard features interactive lists for tasks and sales, including goals and comparisons by issue and time period. Save time and effort by utilizing these tools right at your fingertips!

For more information on how these and other SmartPublisher features can boost your efficiency and customer communications, please see our Knowledge Base or call Pre1 Customer Care.